On the United States Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold same sex “marriage”:
I lived as a lesbian for a while. People can and do shift their attractions… quite frequently. Some women who’ve dated “bad boys” make a conscious shift to allow themselves to see what’s attractive about kind, stable men, for example. Some people choose to focus on something like feet, clothing style, hair or skin color, etc. and make a fetish of it… only to later change. Some people feel attractions they think would be potentially harmful to act upon, so they do not act upon these attractions — like married individuals who choose not to cheat on their spouse. And unmarried individuals who choose not to fornicate. It’s a choice
“Born that way” holds no merit when discussing actions people CHOOSE. SO MANY people have bought the #LGBTQ #propaganda, believing that same-sex attraction is “born in”. There is no evidence of such a genetic predisposition. AND many married people find themselves powerfully sexually attracted to MANY people with whom they are not married. And they ought to refrain from sexually interacting with them, as they have made a commitment which bars such conduct. I have refrained from inappropriate sexual activity. And when I did NOT refrain, I participated in SIN. Fact.
Some people choose not to immerse themselves in Christ’s words and deeds, and not to obey Him, but nonetheless to cloak themselves in His Name. This is blasphemy, and it’s very grievous to God. Lord, help me to follow your path and yours alone… in your name.
I believe one thing that has weakened society’s relationship to truth is that a great number of people want the “freedom” to do whatever they wish, particularly regarding sexual conduct, and to cloak it in God’s name. They defend pornography, lust, sex before and outside of marriage, contraception, abortion, S&M, masturbation, polyamory — basically, there are no holds barred. And they REFUSE to back away from using God’s holy name to justify all these practices, NONE of which God wanted for us.
Truth becomes subordinate to their desires. They see no harm or evil in almost any sexual activity, but that’s not because none exists. Their lens is clouded by their strong affinity with freedom to act how they wish sexually.
Fact is, MANY people choose to “ALLOW THEMSELVES” to pursue same sex attraction and act upon it. This conduct doesn’t stop being sinful simply because they also GIVE THEMSELVES PERMISSION to uphold their own definition of “love” devoid of a concept of OBEDIENCE to God.
For those of us SO GRATEFUL to be Our Good Shepherd’s sheep, whom he has found, rescued, and picked up in his loving arms, we are GLAD to OBEY.
In this world, independence and individualism are prized. But Jesus asked us to live with different values. He didn’t JUST love and accept us the way we are. He HEALED us and told us to Go and Sin No More. Only ONE in TEN lepers returned to thank Him for the healing. Are YOU grateful?
Lift up your eyes to the Lord. He’s merciful. And… He absolutely will NOT lead your life if you choose not to follow Him. He reaches out to us again and again, with HIS FORM of love, which we should LEARN from, by receiving, and not denying, Him.
And the one most important “freedom to choose whom to love” is the freedom to LOVE & ACCEPT CHRIST and ALL He gives us, including Biblical instruction & the Church He gave us before He accepted death on a cross on our behalf. Accept that, rather than twisting Jesus’ “acceptance” to supposedly include a “love” that embraces Sin. Don’t believe in Sin?? Say that, then. Be intellectually and spiritually honest. Don’t say you are a follower of Christ, who dedicated Himself to resist the Devil right before He subjected & submitted Himself to God’s most difficult mission for Him. He OBEYED His Father in heaven rather than seeking His own pleasure. He even completely forewent the joy of sex personally, focusing on LOVING all people by forgiving them their SINS. Christ believed in the threat of Sin, the Devil, and Hell. He gave His ALL for us to see this. If you don’t have eyes to see, nor ears to hear, I pray that something will touch and open your heart. Maybe it will be when you bump into a big, sorrowful reason to regret your choices. Maybe when you hear the painful cries and see the tears of neglected children, betrayed partners… who took a back seat to our hedonistic choices.
HEY! This is NOT about just same-sex intimate relations. This is about ALL the Sins we participate in when we choose our own pleasure above the plan God our Maker has provided for us. I’ve experienced the pain & seen the results of my choices. Others have also experienced pain from MY many Sinful choices. This dynamic humbled me, and broke my prideful spirit, and I opened my heart and eyes and ears to hear God’s calling. I returned to God and saw how MY ways were NO MATCH for God’s ways.
I had been an atheist for a very long while, too. But God courted me and melted my stony heart, and won me over. HE IS so great. I don’t have ANY shame in submitting. In obeying. Do YOU?
God made us to experience GREAT JOY!
Genesis 4:6-7 “Why are you angry?” the Lord asked him. “Why is your face so dark with rage? It can be bright with joy if you will do what you should! But if you refuse to obey, watch out. Sin is waiting to attack you, longing to destroy you. But you can conquer it!”
There are consequences to our Sinful actions which will not be ignorable. I write because I’ve experienced them. I feel like a canary in the mine. I was on a decadent path to death, and life was by no means assured. God blessed me with another chapter. He didn’t have to do that, but He did, yes He did, yes He did! And I thank Him! I now feel tremendous joy in life, and I want God’s joy for everyone. Truth is there are no shortcuts. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. And He’s very available to you.
#SSM isn’t God’s definition of #marriage
#FormerLesbian #Hasbian
In a future blogpost I’ll write about how I went from being raised a devout Catholic to becoming an atheist in college and how this was related to my insufficient responses to others’ sins; my unresolved issues around “women’s oppression” and how this relates with choices of sexuality & sexual expression; and societal politics. Please stay tuned!