Women are encouraged to conquer their fears and follow their dreams at all ages and in all arenas of life… but ONE.
In education, sports, the arts, business, career, personal relationships, sexual conduct, health, body image, culinary endeavors, exercise goals, relaxation, travel, fashion, entertainment… YES! Women are told, “YES, YOU CAN!”
But not motherhood for many pregnant women. In that arena, they are told they are too young, it’s not the right time, it’s not the right circumstance, and they are told of all the bad things that could happen… straight-up FEAR MONGERING.
WHY do the SAME people who champion ALL the other arenas of growth and promote all the other types of choice… persist in their fear of women choosing motherhood?
Why don’t they echo their usual (perhaps even idealistic) confidence and encouragement… in THIS arena?
Why don’t they tell women, “You can DO it! You CAN have your baby!” ?
Why don’t they tell them, “You are infinitely innovative and the world is FULL of resources for you and your baby!” ?
Is it because they fear for the future of the baby? Is it because they focus on the negative among all possible occurrences? Do they fear judgment? Do they fear their friend won’t be a good mother?
Is it because they do NOT actually believe their woman friend to be a capable, innovative, resourceful person… when a LIFE is at stake?
Are they afraid of life in general? Are they afraid of challenges?
Do they fear the woman will end up tapping into the social welfare system, and they aren’t feeling generous enough to personally help meet their friend’s new needs?
Is their confident approach to other life endeavors and arenas simply a charade? A mass chorus of platitude to lift a woman’s mood… that no one actually believes?
And what about their belief in life’s longing for itself? The most natural, inherent desire — to live — is SO STRONG. Do they doubt this?
What about the power referenced by parents EVERYWHERE — the power of our CHILDREN to draw strength from us where we didn’t know we had any strength?
Sorry I don’t have all the answers to these challenging questions.
I do see that maternity is feared. I see mortification about pregnancy. I hear chastisement of pregnant women. I feel some people’s disdain for motherhood. And I see this fear and discouragement promulgated even by thousands of otherwise STRONG WOMEN.
What is UP with this?