
Protesting Trump’s Inauguration: What’s the END GAME?

Reflections after reading THIS article about the upcoming Trump Inauguration protest:

Protest -  Whats the End Game

This event is organized by the group I supported for 24 years as a young adult. I do NOT support this type of event, and I no longer support the group that is organizing it.

I think it’s particularly irresponsible to use the kind of language and imagery that whips people up to potentially use violence in an upcoming scenario, but maintains plausible deniability of culpability by using specific language that cannot legally be construed as “advocating violence”. (If you are against Trump, you’ll understand what I’m saying because you know how language can potentially whip up attacks on people, whether or not that’s the desired effect.) Google “Smith Act” for more info.

Trump protest combo of fliers

Basically, they (the organizers of the protest) want things to get more & more heated and confrontational, upping the ante and providing future scenarios which may make the launching of a real (armed) revolution in the United States more plausible.

If you like the idea of effective protest, and “shutting things down”, know that the group taking the lead and organizing the purchasing of a full page ad in the NY Times, is the Revolutionary Communist Party. I used to give my life to that cause. But I stopped that in 2006.

Our parents and their parents gave their last breaths to provide us with something worth reverence and adherence. For me, Jesus Christ and His way are worth living and dying for. The Communist vision, and the path to get there, are devoid of soul. Human life is precious, and the only way to TRULY grasp and live it that way, is through Jesus Christ.

If you think you can just unite in a partial and temporary way with an effort like the Inauguration Protest, you may be right. But consider this:

I spent 24 years fighting to advance the RCP cause. And though I withdrew from these efforts 10 years ago, I am seeing the potential (unlikely though it may be) for my past efforts to continue to their fruition.

If the efforts of my life on this earth may come to fruition later, after my passing, I now definitely want to make sure my efforts align with those of Jesus, because it was the AMAZING LOVE I learned from Jesus Christ that I construed (as a youth) as prompting me to engage in building the revolutionary movement.

Had someone been bold enough to engage with me in depth at that time, showing me why Jesus’ way is better than the revolutionary way, I can’t even say I would have fully listened to him or her, because the PC agenda had an answer for just about everything, and the revolutionary agenda allowed me (and consciously encouraged me!) to stay angry, never to reconcile with “the enemy” and never to “forgive” or make peace with the “oppressor”.

Forgiveness meme

While they opposed manifestations of resentment and retaliation WITHIN the movement of the “oppressed”, they fostered it against other humans, who were categorized by their station in relation to capital — as “oppressors”.

God bless you.
God MAY bless you with a second chance should you take the same path I took, but some things cannot be reversed. I caused harm. I do my best to do restitution. It’s not too late for you to take a different path, a path that nourishes with love, and doesn’t ever choose to feed resentment. You can take a path of hope & confidence. God DOES exist. He leads my steps now. He picked up the wreckage of my humble, little life when I was on the floor, and he rebuilt His now very grateful daughter.

If anyone wants to discuss these matters of great import, feel free to contact me. Life on earth is short. Life after that is eternal. What you do today and each day has eternal repercussions, for you and everyone.


Are you a free spirit? Hate “obedience”? Guess what? You’re going to be obeying one leader or another, one ideology or another. Right now, in the U.S., it’s voluntary. You have free will. People of all persuasions, religions, national backgrounds, for centuries now, have fought to defend that free will by defending the U.S. Constitution, which is an expression of the founding fathers’ grasp of God being the granter of free will.

Other people for a century have lofted the revolutionary communist goal. They do not value human life in and of itself, but rather as a means to a desired end.

People for collective millennia have transmitted, from one generation to the next, and with great personal and community sacrifice, the Judeo-Christian values.

“Obedience” is seen in modern society as a dirty word. But in the Judeo-Christian framework, it is a manifestation of humility & dedication, sacrifice & service — virtues sorely lacking in today’s world.

Before you throw away something (especially human life, in word or deed), examine it thoroughly. Compare. And check in with your heart and your humanity. If you believe in God… check in EXTRA with what’s motivating you, and see if God really upholds the PC vision you’re fond of, and the revolutionary vision which leads and informs it. Check in with the Ten Commandments — especially the FIRST Commandment, because all the other 9 Commandments flow from the FIRST, and are meaningless if you discard the first.

… and MAKE NO MISTAKE: Communists are atheists, and while the modern ones “technically” uphold the “right” to believe in God — they aren’t putting their lives on the line to defend such belief, but ultimately to destroy it.

Just my two cents, or two dollars, or 2nd chance in life, depending on what it’s ultimately worth to you.

Women Encouraged to Conquer Fears & Follow Dreams in ALL Arenas of Life… but ONE.

Women are encouraged to conquer their fears and follow their dreams at all ages and in all arenas of life… but ONE.
Are We Discouraging Motherhood? 10-5-2015
In education, sports, the arts, business, career, personal relationships, sexual conduct, health, body image, culinary endeavors, exercise goals, relaxation, travel, fashion, entertainment… YES! Women are told, “YES, YOU CAN!”

But not motherhood for many pregnant women. In that arena, they are told they are too young, it’s not the right time, it’s not the right circumstance, and they are told of all the bad things that could happen… straight-up FEAR MONGERING.
WHY do the SAME people who champion ALL the other arenas of growth and promote all the other types of choice… persist in their fear of women choosing motherhood?

Why don’t they echo their usual (perhaps even idealistic) confidence and encouragement… in THIS arena?

Why don’t they tell women, “You can DO it! You CAN have your baby!” ?

Why don’t they tell them, “You are infinitely innovative and the world is FULL of resources for you and your baby!” ?
Is it because they fear for the future of the baby? Is it because they focus on the negative among all possible occurrences? Do they fear judgment? Do they fear their friend won’t be a good mother?

Is it because they do NOT actually believe their woman friend to be a capable, innovative, resourceful person… when a LIFE is at stake?

Are they afraid of life in general? Are they afraid of challenges?

Do they fear the woman will end up tapping into the social welfare system, and they aren’t feeling generous enough to personally help meet their friend’s new needs?
Teenage Girl Sitting In Bathroom With Pregnancy Test
Is their confident approach to other life endeavors and arenas simply a charade? A mass chorus of platitude to lift a woman’s mood… that no one actually believes?

And what about their belief in life’s longing for itself? The most natural, inherent desire — to live — is SO STRONG. Do they doubt this?

What about the power referenced by parents EVERYWHERE — the power of our CHILDREN to draw strength from us where we didn’t know we had any strength?

Sorry I don’t have all the answers to these challenging questions.

I do see that maternity is feared. I see mortification about pregnancy. I hear chastisement of pregnant women. I feel some people’s disdain for motherhood. And I see this fear and discouragement promulgated even by thousands of otherwise STRONG WOMEN.

What is UP with this?

“HUMANO” film asks, “What is it to be human?”


Available November 17, 2013 Exclusively On Yekra and DVD


Alan is twenty-five years old and is searching for the reasons for his existence – the meaning of life. A camera and a notebook filled with questions are all he needs in order to begin his journey to the Andes and into the deepest corners of the subconscious. Through the eyes of Plácido, an Andean paqo(“priest”), the existence of an invisible world that coexists daily with the visible world will be unveiled before him. Alan seeks to discover the origins of humanity on earth, but in order for him to do this it is first necessary for him to learn to be human. Rituals, initiations and new challenges will unfoldbefore him as the “keys” to unlocking and broadening his consciousness.

Accompanied by Plácido, he will be taken on an introspective journey. Such a journey has never been documented before.



Twitter: @humanofilm



Press kit:


I watched this movie with my fiancé Edgar, and will share a few thoughts. In Spanish, with English subtitles, the protagonist speaks Spanish beautifully! The art & form of the movie is quite lovely… and evocative. You may resonate with the psychic journey because of how the visuals evoke familiarity with your own search for meaning.

Journeying to Peru in the search for meaning… for ME is a non-sequiter… I don’t see why, and the movie does not explain why… such an existential quest would or should take one to Peru, although I imagine it’s as good a place as any to seek out the meaning of our lives.

A Shaman escorts the young protagonist, asking provocative philosophical questions, along a journey of experiential practice interspersed with guiding nuggets of wisdom. “Humano” is an “artist’s film”… an “anthropologist’s film”… a “culturalist’s film”. Not to be watched for excitement or sheer entertainment, but rather it provides a foil for one’s own ponderings of existential questions — the meaning of life, the role of fear, how to discern and make sense of myth and reality, our connection with the earth, forgiveness, universal dreams, ascension, creation, dualism, etc.

Setting out as slowly as the film does, we were both moved to a spiritual readiness platform of discomfort. And the subtitles often require struggle to see.

The ancient Peruvian cultural wisdoms weave and inform the entire journey. “Fear only exists as much as you need it. Fear doesn’t let us see the beauty in things. It doesn’t let us see the Reality.” “Icaro” — a song sung without words. “People built this place with a purpose in mind.” We are called to engage with our universal connection to our ancestors, and to the earth. “All exists to be learned from, not judged, not rejected.”

Since I promote a wellness program based on the wisdom of the ancients, it is fascinating just how people of all places in the world instinctively look to our ancestors for spiritual and practical guidance. Some cultures are particularly long-lived, healthy, and happy, and these are the cultures whose wisdom and lifestyles I most like to embrace and promote.

As a catholic Christian, I definitely had some uncomfortable experiences with the film, witnessing how people dabble with the occult with nary a caution. Yes, we are dust, and unto dust we shall return. But not only are we “matter” — we MATTER. And I could not relate deeply with this film because I experience being “human” so entirely differently than the two protagonists of the film experience being “human”.

As a longevity advisor, I found the entire “almost anti-social” approach disturbing, because while the title is “Humano”, there is a profound disconnection from “PEOPLE” in this young man’s journey for the meaning of being “human”. He listens to one isolated shaman’s philosophical and esoteric perspectives and engages with only this shaman’s exercises, as he interacts mainly with non-human nature, like rocks and water. Nature is truly marvelous, but disconnection from humans goes against MY sensibilities of what it is to be human, which necessarily implies being born of woman, and into SOCIETY. We all need Nutrition, Movement, Relaxation, Connection, and Purpose. This film deals with Purpose, but I find it bereft of all human Connection except with the ancestors’ nuggets of wisdom and stories. The only mention of woman that I recall is an exercise of experiencing a cave as if it were a mother’s womb.

The protagonist is an intellectual, largely residing in his head, and I believe part of the great value of his journey is how he more “comes into his body”… in the beautiful mountains, cold lakes, weighted trekking, etc.

I think particularly some young men who resemble our protagonist… are ever seeking… and see themselves as ALONE in a vast wilderness, rather than learning and listening to and responding to the valuable and complex individuals who are woven in a complex and interdependent community all around them. I think this viewpoint is consistent with a pervasive DEPRESSION in our modern society. Isolation. Lack of affect. Clinical Depression.

In enormously densely populated NEW YORK CITY, I’ve heard that 50% of the population eat dinner ALONE.

Like “water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink…” we have people, people everywhere, but not knowing how to Connect. At least not in a fulfilling and meaningful way.

The film ends with describing our body as the most evolved form of matter… with serious cautionary implications for what will happen to this evolutionary chain if the earth is irreparably harmed.

For those who want to experience a sacred journey, and/or learn about Saqras and Apus in a South American setting, this movie will add artistic depth and interesting sights and sounds to the journey and lessons.

A prayer for healing of Depression is what this movie evokes for me. A deep love for my young artist brothers and sisters who battle feelings and experiences of VOID and NULL… who want to FEEL, to experience PLEASURE, HAPPINESS, and CONNECTION. I appreciate their efforts and their artistic pieces which elucidate people’s internal struggles.

At the risk of over-simplification, I feel called to say that I believe much chemical-imbalance can be resolved with nutrition in a social context — seriously, I’ve watched it work so quickly, and I feel this is a very common imbalance in the modern world. THIS FILM SHINES A BRIGHT LIGHT ON OUR HUMAN NEED FOR COMMUNITY. In the absence of community, one yearns for and can better appreciate community. Humans. God made us — not just you, not just me… but US. We need to break bread together. Share. Delight. Experience art — music, literature, movies, dance, comedy, philosophy. So if you go see “HUMANO”, go with a friend, and chat about it over dinner afterward.

Borders, People, and a Spirit of Connection

Inspired to respond to a Facebook posting.

Inspired to respond to a Facebook posting.

People in my different circles of connection are often coming from really different places. The holistic healers are generally different than my Catholic Church community. My longevity enthusiasts buddies are different than my neighbors. And my business networking friends are quite different than my family members.

But one of my roles, a significant part of my Purpose, actually, is to be a bridge, if not always directly between people, then at least between the spirit and lessons of the different people, so an indirect bridge, experientially.

So take a look at the “photo” blog above, which happened as I responded to a Facebook friend who feels adamantly opposed to undocumented immigration to the U.S. You don’t need to see the vehement rhetoric that prompted my response, as it was nothing new or especially interesting. Same old angry, one-sided, anti-immigrant views. But when such views are shared in the context of people who care about health and wellness, it is a little jarring to me.

If we look through the lens of the healthiest, happiest elders in the world’s Longevity Hot Spots, most live a faith-based life, and most are very gracious and generous towards visitors. I would be somewhat surprised, but not entirely shocked, I guess, if some of the nonagenarians or centenarians were to espouse anti-immigrant views and argue for such policies. It seems a waste of the resource of good, wholesome energy to spend it begrudging the way others meet their livelihood needs. Somehow I do not feel that traveling from one place to another can correctly be interpreted as a crime. Erecting a border may be an extension of building a home and locking a door, but I still feel for the right of people to pursue work, an honest livelihood. What you do when you GET to the destination… is a whole ‘nother story.

They COME, so YOU don’t have to GO.

GO.   Go shopping.  Go get the best organic produce.   Go drive and create emissions.  Go use gas.   Go wait in the grocery store line.  Go and miss time with your loved ones.  Go and miss a call you were waiting for.  You get the point.

So to COMBAT all this GO, GO, GO… call G.O. — Guerrilla Organics!

I met Mark Deutsch and Martha Matsuda in around 2003.  About one year prior, their business Guerrilla Organics indeed started organically.  Mark Deutsch began this company in 2002 when he moved to San Francisco from St. Louis.  Going to a local organic foods store to stock his refrigerator, Mark was shocked at the cost ($200!) for two bags of groceries which contained mostly produce.  Going to San Francisco’s Wholesale Farmer’s Market, Mark bought something affordable – a box of potatoes.  He shared his potatoes with housemates and friends, who told other friends, who wanted in on the deal; someone else asked if he delivered.  Thus was born Guerrilla Organics – a small organic produce delivery business that still operates guerrilla-style… but now in Oakland, Berkeley, SF, Daly City, & Pacifica

The cool thing for me, personally, is that Mark invented and patented the most amazing musical instrument, called a Bazantar.  He plays mesmerizing, heady, transformative music that can deliver you into a new consciousness.  And Martha shares her passions in a unique and fascinating art form — Butoh dancing.  So they support their performing arts habits by slinging local, organic produce.  They are SUPER consistent in their organic produce delivery and they are particularly enlightened and spiritually developed people… made it a very easy decision for me to switch to them from my previous “Box” delivery service.  I think participating with arts and cultural events is an important Longevity Practice.  It can re-connect us with all of humanity, and also with our Purpose.  And gives us a vehicle to bond more deeply with our loved ones and friends.

Can you imagine how cool I felt when I realized that my organic produce delivery purchases would create proceeds that help 2 cutting edge community artists practice their crafts in the arts?  AND that staying with their services meant that I get an “organic” way to continue developing my own connection with that kind of people?