
Is it PRACTICAL to Abstain from Sex Before Marriage?

Some people think the only reason to abstain from sexual intimacy prior to marriage… would be religious.

But, for MANY practical reasons…


for the overall well-being of future generations… who could be engendered (conceived) in sexual intimacy… ie. avoiding pregnancy in a non-optimal environment for children

to avoid ever seeing a child as a “failure” of birth control

to avoid any potential of a man feeling “trapped” by a pregnancy

to avoid the possible, horrible feeling of being broken up with / abandoned by someone after you’ve completely opened yourself up sexually

for the immunological health of the man and woman

for the emotional & psychological well-being of the man and woman… their mental health

for the social & spiritual well-being of the families of origin of the man and woman

to look forward to a marriage with someone of equal discipline and sense, and to offer your future mate your best judgment

for the financial security & stability of the man and woman

for the continued quality of friendship of the man and the woman, and also for their other friendships

for the continuity of development of the other pursuits of the man and woman, like work, education, hobbies, intellectual & cultural activities

because while abstinence is not popular, you believe in choosing the BEST outcome, not the common outcome, and confidently navigating any difficulty, if it’s for a good cause

for the clarity of mind that we need to discern who may make a great mate for us (avoiding the huge flood of oxytocin that clouds our objectivity & bonds us to WHOMEVER we get sexual with)

… remaining abstinent outside of marriage is the ONLY practical approach to sexual intimacy.

Meme about Saying No to Sex Before Marriage 2-17-2016


If a WOMAN really wants a man to be FREE EVERY DAY to keep CHOOSING to continue to develop his romantic interest in her, rather than ever feeling forced to remain if he’s inclined to discontinue, she should avoid allowing any sexual involvement to influence the man’s selection of and pursuit of a woman for marriage. It feels MUCH better to know that the man pursuing you REALLY wants to be with you for WHO YOU ARE, in an overall sense — NOT because of what he can “get” sexually.

It can be very confusing for a man who “kinda likes” a woman, if she keeps the door open for sexual involvement. He won’t see a need or reason to break off the relationship with such a woman, even if he strongly desires to pursue other women. If he doesn’t truly want to be with you, unless & except for “receiving” sex, it’s not in your best interests to have him with you!

What might trick you into believing it’s better for you that he remain involved with you although he doesn’t love you just for your good company alone??
Your NON-FRIEND: Oxytocin.
[Oxytocin can be a rather sneaky opponent, outside of marriage. It can encourage you to stay vulnerable and open to a man who does not care much about your well-being. Within marriage, sex can encourage a man's sense of love and generosity towards his wife. Outside of marriage & commitment, a man tends to think much more of his own interests & satisfaction; and adding sex into the dynamic exacerbates this tendency.]

Oxytocin Meme 2-17-2016

If you EVER IN YOUR LIFE want the PHENOMENAL experience of being courted by a man who has genuine interest in you as a person, you need to close off sexual intimacy with any and all men, period. Psychologically healthy men who are genuinely interested in you as a person will NOT pursue you if they sense that you are emotionally, romantically, or sexually involved with another man, with another suitor. A man with good, serious intentions will want your attention! He will want to get to know you, and he’ll hope that you’ll WANT to get to know HIM. If you’re distracted by involvement with another man, YOU WILL NOT BE FREE to attend to a great suitor and free to fully be yourself and fully engage his attention. It’s a TURN-OFF to a well-intentioned man to discover that the object of his affection is not emotionally or socially available to be courted. Plus, if YOU’RE not FREE emotionally, you won’t be able to freely and fully appreciate the positive attention coming to you from an interested man. You’ll miss the fun, excitement, and intrigue of COURTSHIP. You’ll miss the romance. You’ll miss the wholesome rush and any potential blessings that could come your way through courtship. You’ll miss the chance to develop your confidence in his reasons for appreciating you.

If you skip courtship, and move into sexual intimacy prior to marriage, it could become very difficult to know with certainty whether his love is full and authentic. You won’t easily discern if he is trustworthy.

Courtship provides ample opportunity to discover all these important things — these things which are indispensable to a long, healthy, happy male/female relationship, and ultimately marriage.

Fortunately, whether and how much a man desires a woman… or a woman desires a man… is not a static thing. It’s a thing in motion and development. Individuals are either interested in pursuing or being pursued at any given moment, or they’re not, but this can CHANGE. And that’s a good thing. OUR CONDUCT can effect an increase or a decrease in a person’s interest in us. Give each person of the other gender a chance to show what he or she is made of… what he or she brings to the table… brings to their relationships… learn how they face conflict and contradiction… OVER TIME. See if your interest increases or decreases. See what you like and what you do not like about the person. Weigh whether anything you don’t like about the person is surmountable or tolerable… or if it’s actually a deal-breaker — ALL BEFORE SEXUAL INVOLVEMENT.

What women want in a man 2-18-2016

Many women express a concern — a fear that no desirable man will stick around and court them if they don’t provide sexual involvement. What many women don’t know is that for a well-intentioned man, a woman’s ability to say NO is actually a NECESSARY quality for him to grow in respect for her and to see her as a potential wife. He wants a woman who consciously and for good reasons DECIDES to accept his attention and DECIDES to accept HIM as a potential mate. Every time you say NO to sex, but YES to spending more time getting to know him… is time he knows you are choosing HIM above other men. This is such a great feeling to a well-intentioned man. Do NOT underestimate how good this feels. It is VERY affirming, at a very basic level.

You saying NO to sex, but YES to another date with him… openly assuring that you are indeed interested in him, inspires him to keep bringing his best to the relationship, so he can get to the next step… so he can KEEP your attention and stay in your good graces. A good man wants to be seen as a good man. YOU help him rise to HIS best potential, by accepting only quality, wholesome attention, and rejecting low-level attention. We ALL have effects on one another. NOT ONE of us is perfect, but YOU get to determine whether a man consistently brings you his best efforts, or whether when he’s around you… he allows himself to be ruled by his worst motivations… YOU provide the decisive factor in this dynamic, by YOUR CHOICE NOT to engage in sex outside of marriage.

By telling a man this, you also let a man know that Marriage is indeed part of your future panorama. In my experience, men treat “marriageable” women better than they treat women who don’t believe in marriage. YOU imply HOPE by believing in marriage. You imply HOPE in MEN. You communicate that you believe that he can be a good person. You BELIEVE in him. That feels great.

Marriage to inspire kids to want marriage 2-17-2016

If you disparage the institution of marriage, you are implying that either you or he, or both of you, are not capable of or worthy of such dedication and growth and love which marriage necessarily involves.

There is a Culture of Life, and there is a Culture of Death.
Within the culture of death, one finds despair, desperation, depression, anguish, despondency, disappointment, discouragement, bitterness, selfishness, fear, grief, negativity, bullying, isolation, decay & hopelessness. Within the culture of life, one finds energy, love, encouragement, healing, self-sacrifice, trust, heroism, tenderness, positive words, confidence, growth, connection, health, dedication, and hope.

In Nature, a healthy man will choose a mate who represents to him a Culture of Life.

Embody these characteristics of LIFE, and LIFE-LOVING men will be making a good choice in selecting you as a mate.

Marriage proposal 2-17-2016

3 Visual Prayers for Everyone Beginning Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, and I invite you into a 40 day journey. I’ll be on it. But your journey will be very personal… very much geared around what the Lord sees you needing. He wants to heal you from all wounding of this world, and allow you into a much closer relationship of support for you. He does have tremendous plans for your life. You will need His strength to take up & fulfill that Purpose.

Meme about Sin and Healing 2-10-2016

Lenten meme 2-10-2016

Lenten meme 2 2-10-2016

What does this have to do with LONGEVITY?

The blessing of long life comes from a Power Source Unlimited — GOD.

The more closely we can unite with God, the more we allow Him to remove the obstacles, mistakes, poor judgment, sin and harm that can curtail our lives, both in quantity and quality.

Some people resist “rules,” either spiritual rules or health rules, or both. But much guidance is for our own good, so to the extent we resist proper guidance, we act against our own interests, against our own wellbeing.

If you find yourself resisting wholesome “rules,” you might THINK that you are FREER, but you are LIMITING your resources and disconnecting from the UNLIMITED source of LIFE.

So Lent is a time to avail yourself of God’s merciful, life-giving power. Lent is a time to reflect: What’s KEEPING you from wanting to color within the lines of life? What wounds remain to be healed? Lent is a time to invite Jesus in to heal these wounds. This is necessary so you can soon enjoy new life! And that’s what Easter is about — LIFE after death. Life after darkness, wounding, alienation, guilt, shame, abuse, etc. So take this gift, freely given — LENT, and walk beside the Lord for 40 days, so He can heal the wounds, and prepare your heart for a whole, new life — HIS LIFE, in You.

No matter how long you actually live, it only FEELS like LIFE if you are FREE to truly receive and truly offer & share love, with no wound scars creating barriers to that Love.

“Your Emotional Toolkit” for Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

There are many kinds of addictions, BROADLY defined, which include: addiction to cigarettes & smoking, alcohol and drinking, drugs and shooting or popping pills, image
sugar consumption, overworking, gambling, overeating, imagesex, obsessive-compulsive behaviors like cutting, picking, hair-pulling or thumb-sucking, and playing video-games.image

My PREMISE for this talk is that underlying each and every one of these ADDICTIONS… is a set of UNRESOLVED EMOTIONS.

Emotions are OBJECTIVE, and physiologically manifested in the body. They often correspond to THOUGHTS, which can be true or false, but in and of themselves, EMOTIONS are TRUE and OBJECTIVE.

And such FEELINGS are PHYSICAL CLUES to us that we need to DO SOMETHING. Like fight, or flee, or resolve a conflict.
Okay, if you feel “happy”, you might not need to actually “DO” something, but when you feel the troublesome or difficult emotions, “negative” emotions, THESE are CUES that you need to do something.

But often in life, it is not possible or appropriate to just DO that something that our emotions are cueing us to do — like fight, or run away — and we might not know HOW to resolve a particular conflict. When it is not simple or possible to resolve the emotion adequately, through an appropriate behavior, we often unconsciously implement a SUBSTITUTE behavior, which may DIFFUSE THE FEELING of that emotion temporarily, but does not necessarily RESOLVE the emotion. If you are hungry, and you have no food, and someone is eating in front of you and does not want to share, you can’t just grab their food. So you substitute something to deal with the PAIN of this feeling, of this frustration. Over time, or even after one such substitute action, we may develop a substitute BEHAVIOR PATTERN. THIS is the BASIS for ADDICTION.

I’m going to tell you some of the SPECIFIC EMOTIONS, the OBJECTIVE FEELINGS, which often underly PATTERNS OF ADDICTION.

I’m going to teach you when and how to process these particular emotions in order to break the cycle of addiction. This tool does not BATTLE your addiction directly. It’s NOT about willpower, or “white knuckling” and trying to be “stronger than” your addiction. These methods don’t work well, as you probably know if you’ve battled addiction unsuccessfully for any length of time. Mine is simply a POSITIVE TOOL to ADD TO YOUR LIFE. Once you know how to use this tool, and USE IT REGULARLY, the DESIRE for your addictive substance or pattern SIMPLY SUBSIDES.


1) Let me give you the ACRONYM for this, the FIRST TOOL for YOUR NEW, EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT — and that way you will ALWAYS REMEMBER IT!

“Halt! You f’in’ SOB!” Now, this acronym is a mnemonic technique, and I’m not promoting swearing, but this is a key part of this toolkit. It stands for:

Sad or

Add “Ashamed” to the toolkit list, and you will be even better equipped!

WITHOUT judging or criticizing your SELF, and without judging or criticizing the EMOTIONS, I want you to NOTICE.

2) To “NOTICE or NOTE” is the 2nd Tool in your EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT. When you feel inclined to _______________ (fill in your addiction), (like smoke, shoot drugs, eat gluten if you’re celiac, have sex with a stranger) take a moment to NOTICE it. And say (out loud works best) — “HALT! You F’in SOB!” Now, I’m not telling you to call yourself names — this is simply a mnemonic technique. And it is intended to interrupt a pattern.

3) 3rd Tool: Use your ACRONYM, and Ask yourself, “Am I hungry? Am I Angry? Lonely? Tired? Fearful? Sad? or Bored?” “WHAT DO I FEEL?”

And answer yourself, OUT LOUD.


Emotions — FEELINGS — are by nature TRANSITORY. They come. And they go. The page turns. Once you IDENTIFY the emotion — give it a name, say it out loud, it is being attended to. Sit with it for a moment — literally like 10 seconds to 1 minute or so. Just reflect on the name of the emotion, and the feeling in your body. You can say, “I am feeling scared. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Or “I’m feeling lonely. It doesn’t feel good. I feel lonely.” Or “I’m feeling hungry, and shaky. I’m not dying, but I’m really hungry.” You are now on your way to properly processing that emotion. The page does turn.

TO a transitory, appropriately-minimal-sized experience in your body (one of many) during your day, which YOU as an adult, as a full human being, SIMPLY NOTICE AND PROCESS. YOU are the director now. Emotions are transitory! That’s the Good NEWS! They are just paragraphs, or sentences even, in each larger chapter of your life’s book, which YOU write.

When we are no longer slaves to our EMOTIONS, we are no longer slaves to ADDICTIONS.

To find out more about the EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT to resolve ADDICTIONS, or how this fits with the Longevity Hot Spot Lifestyle, please sign up for the RSS feed for my blog:, or comment here. Or write to me on And I’ll be sure to send you any upcoming reports.

“Your Emotional Toolkit: Breaking the Cycle of Addiction” Jump to the second hour for a 60 minute RECORDED, LIVE PRESENTATION & INTERVIEW of T. Bergenn by Wolf Spirit Radio Host Luella May:

You can also schedule a consultation or series of consultations with me.

To deal with food addictions, I invite you to investigate and try the AkeaBLAST! for nutritional support that can make your cravings subside by meeting your micronutrient needs.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to share one of the most powerful tools I know to help your overall wellbeing — Your EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT!!!!

Please “Like” Power Source Unlimited on Facebook!

Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep

Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep


Some say a daytime nap can disturb overnight sleep, and for some folks, it most certainly does.

But there is another school of thought:
Practice Makes Perfect, and…
Sleep Begets Sleep.

I find that “practicing relaxing and allowing sleep…” by incorporating relatively short naps when you are fatigued and/or drowsy… can improve one’s ability to relax and sleep effectively overnight.

When all systems are go, physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, etc., usually fewer naps are desired or needed.
But the body has great wisdom, and can indicate its needs before we have a conscious clue of which systems and organs may be running at less than optimal function level.
If we simply listen to, follow and honor the signals of the body, we can often avert more serious problems.
We don’t really NEED to know WHY we are tired… just THAT we are tired.

Sometimes this is an issue of relinquishing control. Relinquishing control in some areas of our lives can be infinitely beneficial. This is related to grasping the importance of community, and inter-dependence. We don’t need to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders… nor in our minds.

Every animal has a circadian rhythm. God made both night and day. Every human being needs deep, restorative sleep, and also rest. If you experience stress while trying to fall asleep, or in the middle of the night, you may wish to talk softly to yourself about why and how to “relax and allow sleep”. There is also a great book: The Sleep Book, by Dr. Seuss, that can help children and adults grasp and put into practice the importance of sleep. TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT!!

Inflammation Reduction Complete Protocol

Here are practical ways to reduce inflammation in the body (skin, brain, joints, etc… it’s all attached). Inflammation is not always bad. It’s a vital process. But CHRONIC inflammation is harmful, and that’s the one to combat.
Inflammation is the painful component of arthritis (symptoms include pain, swelling, red coloration to the area, and sometimes loss of movement or function), and may be a component of cardiovascular diseases. Can the foods you eat help reduce inflammation? Many experts believe it’s possible, so I’ll explain which foods are highly anti-inflammatory, and which foods exacerbate inflammation.
Online articles to reference:

First: Drink at least 12-16oz of pure water every morning upon arising, 20 minutes prior to consuming anything else. Many people of the world’s long-living cultures add the juice of 1/2 a fresh, organic lemon.

Single supplements:

For acute inflammation (chest cold, sinuses, sprained ankle, poison oak, etc), sip water with Vitamin C powder added throughout the day (to bowel tolerance, as it will loosen the bowels). Now that much of Vitamin C comes from GMO sources, it is recommended to find a GMO-free source. You may include willow bark on your list of natural anti-inflammatory agents (the basis of aspirin). Personally, I occasionally have used bromelain (pineapple enzymes from the core) and turmeric. I keep both on hand. Bromelain works for headaches, but so does a simple acupressure move. Do not use bromelain long-term (daily for longer than a week at a time).

The articles cited above list foods that cause or aggravate inflammation, and list foods which have an anti-inflammatory effect. If the full-tilt-boogie anti-inflammatory diet seems like too extreme a change for you, then I recommend that you simply pick 3 of the foods to emphasize and 3 of the foods to avoid, and just try those few, simple changes at first, but do it whole-heartedly.

For example, I always think of blueberries, filberts (hazelnuts), and pineapple (on an empty stomach) when I want to reduce inflammation. And salads, in general. And I think of sugary, fried, and processed foods as causing inflammation. With just those few things in mind, it makes a pretty big difference to simply add 3 and avoid 3.


Akea Essentials is the most micro-nutrient dense of the anti-inflammatory foods. It is highly alkalinizing: Click here to see the ingredient list: I use it every day, as it has helped me with chronic inflammation of the skin, joints, lungs, etc. Akea Essentials has over 30 of the world’s most powerful superfoods (nutrient-dense foods), all grown organically in the U.S. and fermented, meaning plenty of additional super-healthy probiotics, which can help squelch the fires of inflammation in the gut. It contains only 44 calories per serving, and 2 grams of protein.
The vast majority of chronic illnesses begin with inflammation in the gut, so Akea Essentials is the best preventative and restorative I know for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Click here to order.
So far, Asantae makes Akea, and only ships to the U.S. and Canada, so if you don’t live in the U.S., try the international shipping option on the Affiliates page of Or the next option.

Salad made with anti-inflammatory foods: Put some variety in it, for sure, but a DAILY SALAD is the single most effective lifestyle change available internationally to make a huge difference in decreasing inflammation.
Add some sauerkraut, or kim chee or organic yogurt daily to your diet to get your fermented foods. THIS is one amazing secret of the world’s happiest, healthiest, longest living people. And guess what — most of them don’t have much access to (or need for!) doctors and pharmaceuticals. Hmmm….

Mila is the most macro-nutrient dense of all anti-inflammatory foods, and I still have some available in stock. If you want a little extra plant-based protein (3 grams per serving) & Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (3,000 mg) & 5 grams of fiber, this is a very good product. Message me directly for purchase: This food must be consumed with a lot of water, so if you hate drinking water, do not use this product. It is also a little pricey, but it does a lot for you. It can even work for pets’ inflammation! If you want a 1/2 price type of organically-grown chia seed, I sell that, too! Just message me.

Foods To Eat:

Fats and Oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water oily fish, chia, flax (flax has some toxins and is often GMO, so I don’t recommend it), and pumpkin seeds. Consumption of monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, avocado, and nuts, has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Other healthful oils include rice bran oil, grape seed oil, and walnut oil.

Fruits and Vegetables. Whole fruits, berries and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytohemicals. Choose green and brightly colored vegetables, and whole fruits. You should eat at least five (and preferably more) servings of fruits and vegetables each day. (Akea Essentials provides 5 additional to your daily dietary intake.)

Protein Sources. Possible anti-inflammatory protein sources include lean poultry (turkey best), fish and seafood (fatty fish offer protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids). Fermented soy foods such as miso and tempeh, along with other legumes and nuts and seeds can be used as plant-based protein sources.

Beverages. Your body needs water. Drink filtered tap water when possible — I use an Aquasana water filter system (and as an affiliate, can get you a reduced price) — but sparkling or bottled water, or unfiltered tap water if need be, is far better than getting dehydrated. Herbal tea, especially green tea, is great. Freshly juiced vegetables & fruits, and organic kefir (if you cannot tolerate organic milk) are other options. Many people find milk inflammatory. Organic milk works fine for me. Please don’t drink any bottled or canned juices or sodas when you are trying to reduce acute inflammation, due to the acidifying effects and sugar content.

Foods To Avoid

Loading up on junk foods, high-fat meats, sugar, and highly processed foods may increase the potential for inflammation in your body. Reduce your consumption of trans fats and saturated fats by cutting back on highly processed foods, red meats, and high-fat processed meats such as bacon and sausage. Cut back on refined white flours in bread and pasta (look for 100% whole-grains instead). Eliminate added sugars by decreasing your consumption of sugary sodas, pastries, candy, rich desserts, and pre-sweetened cereals.
Whenever you DO eat these foods, include light green, juicy veggies like hearts of romaine, celery, or cucumbers, which will alkalinize your body and counter the worst effects of inflammatory foods.

Another possible source of irritation and inflammation comes from the nightshade family of plants, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. These vegetables contain a chemical alkaloid called solanine, which can trigger pain in some people. While there aren’t any formal research findings that back the claim about nightshade plants, some people do believe they get relief from the symptoms of pain and inflammation when they eliminate them from their diet.

Anti-inflammatory Diet Tips

Choose fresh foods more often and choose fewer heavily processed foods. Here are some tips:
For breakfast, try oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts.
Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables instead of cookies and candy.
Eat more fish and less fatty red meat. Eat meat as a treat, or as a condiment, and only organic.
Cook with olive oil for low temperature cooking, and use coconut oil for medium & high temperature cooking.
Choose eggs with Omega 3s.
Have a salad with lots of fresh vegetables as your meal.
Stay away from deep-fried foods; bake, broil, poach or stir-fry instead.
Choose dark green or brightly colored vegetables as side dishes — they should fill half your dinner plate.
Drink water, organic milk, 100% fresh vegetable/fruit juices, herbal and green tea instead of sugary sodas and soft drinks.
Maintaining a healthy weight also appears to be helpful for reducing pain and inflammation.

Movement/Rest — this is an important dialectic to get right. Both are needed. Alternate throughout the day. Don’t overdo either. No obsessive exercise. No couch potato. Get 6-8 quality hours of overnight sleep, on a regular schedule if possible. Meditation & Prayer work. Yoga and/or stretching provide restful movement. Walking is the #1 movement to combat inflammation.

Connection — Stress acidifies. Uplifting, supportive connection lightens the load in more ways than one — it can alkalinize the body.

Purpose — You have to “get out of your self”. Don’t dwell on the pain & inflammation, nor let it define you: Attend to it, and also attend to your life’s work, your important service to the world and its people.

Getting a sense that all this could be impossible alone? You’re right. But you can do it. Join our Longevity Community — there is an online and an offline dimension! Call to schedule a free, 5-10 minute Longevity Community Questionnaire.

T. Bergenn
President, Power Source Unlimited
Longevity Consultant
Connect with us on Facebook!

I conducted a SYMPHONY… from my favorite GF bakery.

imageI met with a new friend today at the Mariposa Bakery. Her name is Clara; she’s Argentinian and she loves MUSIC. Personally, I am not one to immerse myself in music. While I enjoy many genres… from Ska to Andean, Hawaiian to Christian Folk, and plenty of others, I’m really just a casual fan. But lately…

I’ve been working on something that feels like a masterpiece… a grand, symphonic, orchestral, masterpiece!

I feel like an orchestra conductor, while many of the musicians in the symphony may have hardly an inkling of the melody or notes they play so beautifully… which fill my ears with joyous tones, and giddy anticipation. Some of these great musicians barely perceive the instrument they stroke so masterfully; others wouldn’t have a clue even as to the name of their instrument. But I am pleased, no matter.

There is a single, solitary clarinet, which is confidently removed from its case, in one opera hall after another… starting out by piping a reedy, captivating tune which soon resonates with other woodwinds who add relaxed undertones to the melody. Then a full-bodied viola graces the stage, stretching and swaying, and enticing the horns and bells.

The song has not even reached the first climax, but we all know it’s coming, as we have all stepped on stage and begun improvising, listening for the subtleties of each other’s unique strengths.

I have a sense of the grandiosity. Of the historic import of these seminal works. Sometimes I want to convey it. Sometimes I feel like leaving it to be delectably discovered by each person who hears the piper’s tune from afar, and feels themselves sneaking and peaking into the concert. We’re all in for SUCH a TREAT! And we’re all learning to read MUSIC, and to deftly play our unique instruments, in this wide-open community amphitheater. Wait! Listen – … Listen for the crescendo. Wait. Here it comes! Where are you? Can you hear it?

The Long Road to Simple Blessings

Here is a reply I wrote to a heart-wrenching story that a good friend posted on The BluePrint For Life online social network, a community of people who value holistic living.

This BluePrint community is extensive, as it traces back to our longest living elders on the planet, and the diets and lifestyles that got them to that status. This community embraces the “homesteading” lifestyle of fermenting organic foods, walking and cycling, resting, praying and meditating, staying connected with family and friends, and living one’s Purpose with a passion… which taken together… is at once cutting edge and old-fashioned!

Not everyone who embraces this lifestyle even KNOWS yet about our online social network… so if this describes you, SIGN UP.

Here is my profile in the community. I look forward to seeing yours.

And here is the original story from the NYTimes

Aquasana: Water of Choice for Power Source Unlimited, LLC

LOTS of people have asked for my recommendations of which types of water to use.  So, I had to do a LOT of research.  I examined water for drinking, water for bathing, water for cooking, and water for cleaning.  I researched high-priced water, bottled water, filtered water, low-cost water, tap water, and pretty much all types I could find, and ran them all through MY filter:  the low-budget, holistic health, longevity filter!!

Here is what I found:  If you want to get high-priced anti-oxidant water, I know a couple of responsible consultants from whom you can purchase a Kangen unit.  Dr. Bo Marley, and Omar Ramirez.  Both are VERY nice men, and very attentive and responsible in their respective businesses.  We have tried this water, and we did indeed notice some very nice benefits — definite increased energy; deep sleep (except when you have too much of the delicious water, or too late); great flavor; great texture; great taste — even for water, it’s just so yummy, you want to drink more of it.  Even stubborn folks who NEVER drink enough water will probably change their habits with this water.

That said, I personally don’t want to drink “restructured water” for my ongoing hydration needs.  It has been tested for many years and is very popular in some Japanese hospitals, etc… but I am of the mind that God structured the water right to begin with, so I’m wary of it… I see it as “newfangled”, and I’m a little “old-school”.

On the filtered water, I looked at Multi-Pur, and all the others, and I’ll save you time:  I’ve been using Aquasana for years — it’s just the best, hands-down, all-purpose water.   I compared what they filter for, and their respective costs, and the challenges of dealing with each company vs the ease, the responsiveness of the respective merchants, availability of comparison materials, etc.  You can get a nice set-up for an apartment for under $200 and it will include your kitchen filter and your shower filter, and they have a program called Water for Life, so that they always send the replacement filters automatically.  And their support people are always polite and have helped me out on the odd occasion of a billing question or difficulty with replacing the filter or something.  They send the filters like clockwork — which is GREAT, cuz we would all forget to do that if it was up to US, right?  So I just replace mine when they arrive:  set it and forget it.  If you own a home, you can get an OUTSIDE unit that filters ALL of the water before it enters your house — SO cool, and economical.  You don’t need the chlorine and chemicals inside, but it keeps it safe until it gets there.

Aquasana also sells glass bottles, which are very cool, very convenient, 2 perfect sizes, and they have cozies that come with a strap — GREAT for HIKING!!!!!

Another REALLY cool thing about Aquasana water is you can SHOWER in it!  This is FANTASTIC.  You will probably notice the difference in your skin and hair within 4-8 days.  Just softer, and more relaxed once you are no longer barraged with chlorine, etc.  Remember:  Showering can be a prayer, or a meditation.  Appreciate your body, appreciate the water, cleanse yourself inside and out, be present, enjoy the sensual experience, and thank your Creator, commune with the earth’s elements.  I got this idea while reading The Four Agreements a few years ago.  But we all know that some of our most genius ideas “flow” while showering, right?  If you are lucky enough to have a life partner, shout out to them to write your idea down before it “slips down the drain”.

Some of the world’s Longevity Hot Spots are known for their high mineral content.  In fact, some cynical folks have brought this up as “proof” that WE in the U.S. are doomed, and that we cannot replicate what these long-lived people have access to in their “magical mystery mineral” water.  They may indeed be blessed, but we are all blessed in our own way.  And we can get more minerals by consuming the cultured minerals eaten by the probiotics in Akea Essentials:

Organic Nesting

If you wanted to surround yourself in purely organic materials, and avoid synthetic chemicals, you would probably already be wearing natural fibers, from your little piggies to your sombrero.  Which would take care of 2/3 of the job… so then how about over night?  You have cotton or silk sheets, too, right?  But how about the off-gassing from the materials of your bed?  That’s 6-8 hours a night of exposure — roughly 2500 hours a year.  As a Longevity Consultant, I am always checking if people are getting their 6-8 QUALITY HOURS of OVERNIGHT SLEEP.  But hey, what are we BREATHING during those hours?

Next time I purchase a bed, I’m going organic.  I happened upon a company that provides all-organic-materials beds.  It’s a family owned company, and they deliver coast to coast.  In fact, Vicki and Joey, the couple who owns and runs the company have 5 kids, and both parents gave up the 9-5 administrative and tech employee life to become entrepreneurs that provide 1/3 of your healthy environment.

The Organic Bedroom

Vicki took some time to satisfy my curiosity about which materials are used in their beds.  Apparently, since 2007, all mattresses must pass a flame test and have flame retardant, but most people in organics want to eliminate the chemicals in their environment… so one material The Organic Bedroom uses is organic wool:  wool acts as natural flame retardant; organic wool cannot contain chemicals; it must be washed in all natural waters and soaps.  Other wool is treated with chemicals.

When I’m in their neck of the woods later this year — I hope to meet them, and get my horizontal on!  Maybe they’ll be part of our Longevity Community, so we can help everyone with organics, 24-7-365.

Update: We DID meet Joey in January of 2013, and we enjoyed his very thorough approach to our questions.

They COME, so YOU don’t have to GO.

GO.   Go shopping.  Go get the best organic produce.   Go drive and create emissions.  Go use gas.   Go wait in the grocery store line.  Go and miss time with your loved ones.  Go and miss a call you were waiting for.  You get the point.

So to COMBAT all this GO, GO, GO… call G.O. — Guerrilla Organics!

I met Mark Deutsch and Martha Matsuda in around 2003.  About one year prior, their business Guerrilla Organics indeed started organically.  Mark Deutsch began this company in 2002 when he moved to San Francisco from St. Louis.  Going to a local organic foods store to stock his refrigerator, Mark was shocked at the cost ($200!) for two bags of groceries which contained mostly produce.  Going to San Francisco’s Wholesale Farmer’s Market, Mark bought something affordable – a box of potatoes.  He shared his potatoes with housemates and friends, who told other friends, who wanted in on the deal; someone else asked if he delivered.  Thus was born Guerrilla Organics – a small organic produce delivery business that still operates guerrilla-style… but now in Oakland, Berkeley, SF, Daly City, & Pacifica

The cool thing for me, personally, is that Mark invented and patented the most amazing musical instrument, called a Bazantar.  He plays mesmerizing, heady, transformative music that can deliver you into a new consciousness.  And Martha shares her passions in a unique and fascinating art form — Butoh dancing.  So they support their performing arts habits by slinging local, organic produce.  They are SUPER consistent in their organic produce delivery and they are particularly enlightened and spiritually developed people… made it a very easy decision for me to switch to them from my previous “Box” delivery service.  I think participating with arts and cultural events is an important Longevity Practice.  It can re-connect us with all of humanity, and also with our Purpose.  And gives us a vehicle to bond more deeply with our loved ones and friends.

Can you imagine how cool I felt when I realized that my organic produce delivery purchases would create proceeds that help 2 cutting edge community artists practice their crafts in the arts?  AND that staying with their services meant that I get an “organic” way to continue developing my own connection with that kind of people?