
3 Visual Prayers for Everyone Beginning Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, and I invite you into a 40 day journey. I’ll be on it. But your journey will be very personal… very much geared around what the Lord sees you needing. He wants to heal you from all wounding of this world, and allow you into a much closer relationship of support for you. He does have tremendous plans for your life. You will need His strength to take up & fulfill that Purpose.

Meme about Sin and Healing 2-10-2016

Lenten meme 2-10-2016

Lenten meme 2 2-10-2016

What does this have to do with LONGEVITY?

The blessing of long life comes from a Power Source Unlimited — GOD.

The more closely we can unite with God, the more we allow Him to remove the obstacles, mistakes, poor judgment, sin and harm that can curtail our lives, both in quantity and quality.

Some people resist “rules,” either spiritual rules or health rules, or both. But much guidance is for our own good, so to the extent we resist proper guidance, we act against our own interests, against our own wellbeing.

If you find yourself resisting wholesome “rules,” you might THINK that you are FREER, but you are LIMITING your resources and disconnecting from the UNLIMITED source of LIFE.

So Lent is a time to avail yourself of God’s merciful, life-giving power. Lent is a time to reflect: What’s KEEPING you from wanting to color within the lines of life? What wounds remain to be healed? Lent is a time to invite Jesus in to heal these wounds. This is necessary so you can soon enjoy new life! And that’s what Easter is about — LIFE after death. Life after darkness, wounding, alienation, guilt, shame, abuse, etc. So take this gift, freely given — LENT, and walk beside the Lord for 40 days, so He can heal the wounds, and prepare your heart for a whole, new life — HIS LIFE, in You.

No matter how long you actually live, it only FEELS like LIFE if you are FREE to truly receive and truly offer & share love, with no wound scars creating barriers to that Love.

Exemplary Elder Ernestine

Exemplary Elder ErnestineErnestine Cohn is one of those people you want in your Longevity Community.  She might not like that I happen to know her age, which is an additional reason for me to be a special cheerleader and fan of hers, but here’s the deal:  she is tracking GREAT for longevity, in part because she stays SO positive, and does her business with that depth of commitment to service that you don’t often find in modern times.  Ernestine’s aim?  Her “Purpose”:  PROTECT WHAT YOU LOVE.  Some people’s “Purpose” is very faith-based, other people’s purpose is family-based, others is career-based, and some purposes are based on a passionate hobby.  I can help you identify YOURS.

Ernestine makes a practice of regular long walks — in fact that is how I originally met her over 3 years ago — on a local Walkers MeetUp.  And I just RE-met her last week on a Walkers MeetUp.  I remembered her well because we naturally hit it off on that first walk and talked the whole time!  (If you’re not a woman, HINT:  That is a GOOD thing!  Lol) Ernestine is the sole owner of Robinson-Cohn and Co. Insurance Agency, licensed since 1980.

Looking through our lens of the 5 elements of longevity, peek at Ernestine:  Even though she walks regularly, she scored herself in the mid-range on “Movement”.  She is also a GREAT “Connector”, and yet scores herself in the mid-range there, too.  She scores herself a little higher on Purpose, but this woman is ON FIRE for her Purpose of helping people protect what they love through the proper insurance coverage.  So when she scores herself higher on Relaxation and Nutrition, one can only imagine.  Again I will remind you, that this woman is a community ELDER!  So, if you are wanting to get to know a woman who is seasoned in the interpersonal dimension of life and full of energy, whether to partner with her in walking, or in business, or in our Longevity Community… not to mention in romance (!)… then hey… come on one of our Longevity Community Walks, or join your local Walker’s meetup!  You never KNOW who you might meet — and you’ll knock out TWO longevity elements in ONE activity — Connection, and Movement. =^)