
Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep

Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep


Some say a daytime nap can disturb overnight sleep, and for some folks, it most certainly does.

But there is another school of thought:
Practice Makes Perfect, and…
Sleep Begets Sleep.

I find that “practicing relaxing and allowing sleep…” by incorporating relatively short naps when you are fatigued and/or drowsy… can improve one’s ability to relax and sleep effectively overnight.

When all systems are go, physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, etc., usually fewer naps are desired or needed.
But the body has great wisdom, and can indicate its needs before we have a conscious clue of which systems and organs may be running at less than optimal function level.
If we simply listen to, follow and honor the signals of the body, we can often avert more serious problems.
We don’t really NEED to know WHY we are tired… just THAT we are tired.

Sometimes this is an issue of relinquishing control. Relinquishing control in some areas of our lives can be infinitely beneficial. This is related to grasping the importance of community, and inter-dependence. We don’t need to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders… nor in our minds.

Every animal has a circadian rhythm. God made both night and day. Every human being needs deep, restorative sleep, and also rest. If you experience stress while trying to fall asleep, or in the middle of the night, you may wish to talk softly to yourself about why and how to “relax and allow sleep”. There is also a great book: The Sleep Book, by Dr. Seuss, that can help children and adults grasp and put into practice the importance of sleep. TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT!!

Aquasana: Water of Choice for Power Source Unlimited, LLC

LOTS of people have asked for my recommendations of which types of water to use.  So, I had to do a LOT of research.  I examined water for drinking, water for bathing, water for cooking, and water for cleaning.  I researched high-priced water, bottled water, filtered water, low-cost water, tap water, and pretty much all types I could find, and ran them all through MY filter:  the low-budget, holistic health, longevity filter!!

Here is what I found:  If you want to get high-priced anti-oxidant water, I know a couple of responsible consultants from whom you can purchase a Kangen unit.  Dr. Bo Marley, and Omar Ramirez.  Both are VERY nice men, and very attentive and responsible in their respective businesses.  We have tried this water, and we did indeed notice some very nice benefits — definite increased energy; deep sleep (except when you have too much of the delicious water, or too late); great flavor; great texture; great taste — even for water, it’s just so yummy, you want to drink more of it.  Even stubborn folks who NEVER drink enough water will probably change their habits with this water.

That said, I personally don’t want to drink “restructured water” for my ongoing hydration needs.  It has been tested for many years and is very popular in some Japanese hospitals, etc… but I am of the mind that God structured the water right to begin with, so I’m wary of it… I see it as “newfangled”, and I’m a little “old-school”.

On the filtered water, I looked at Multi-Pur, and all the others, and I’ll save you time:  I’ve been using Aquasana for years — it’s just the best, hands-down, all-purpose water.   I compared what they filter for, and their respective costs, and the challenges of dealing with each company vs the ease, the responsiveness of the respective merchants, availability of comparison materials, etc.  You can get a nice set-up for an apartment for under $200 and it will include your kitchen filter and your shower filter, and they have a program called Water for Life, so that they always send the replacement filters automatically.  And their support people are always polite and have helped me out on the odd occasion of a billing question or difficulty with replacing the filter or something.  They send the filters like clockwork — which is GREAT, cuz we would all forget to do that if it was up to US, right?  So I just replace mine when they arrive:  set it and forget it.  If you own a home, you can get an OUTSIDE unit that filters ALL of the water before it enters your house — SO cool, and economical.  You don’t need the chlorine and chemicals inside, but it keeps it safe until it gets there.

Aquasana also sells glass bottles, which are very cool, very convenient, 2 perfect sizes, and they have cozies that come with a strap — GREAT for HIKING!!!!!

Another REALLY cool thing about Aquasana water is you can SHOWER in it!  This is FANTASTIC.  You will probably notice the difference in your skin and hair within 4-8 days.  Just softer, and more relaxed once you are no longer barraged with chlorine, etc.  Remember:  Showering can be a prayer, or a meditation.  Appreciate your body, appreciate the water, cleanse yourself inside and out, be present, enjoy the sensual experience, and thank your Creator, commune with the earth’s elements.  I got this idea while reading The Four Agreements a few years ago.  But we all know that some of our most genius ideas “flow” while showering, right?  If you are lucky enough to have a life partner, shout out to them to write your idea down before it “slips down the drain”.

Some of the world’s Longevity Hot Spots are known for their high mineral content.  In fact, some cynical folks have brought this up as “proof” that WE in the U.S. are doomed, and that we cannot replicate what these long-lived people have access to in their “magical mystery mineral” water.  They may indeed be blessed, but we are all blessed in our own way.  And we can get more minerals by consuming the cultured minerals eaten by the probiotics in Akea Essentials:

They COME, so YOU don’t have to GO.

GO.   Go shopping.  Go get the best organic produce.   Go drive and create emissions.  Go use gas.   Go wait in the grocery store line.  Go and miss time with your loved ones.  Go and miss a call you were waiting for.  You get the point.

So to COMBAT all this GO, GO, GO… call G.O. — Guerrilla Organics!

I met Mark Deutsch and Martha Matsuda in around 2003.  About one year prior, their business Guerrilla Organics indeed started organically.  Mark Deutsch began this company in 2002 when he moved to San Francisco from St. Louis.  Going to a local organic foods store to stock his refrigerator, Mark was shocked at the cost ($200!) for two bags of groceries which contained mostly produce.  Going to San Francisco’s Wholesale Farmer’s Market, Mark bought something affordable – a box of potatoes.  He shared his potatoes with housemates and friends, who told other friends, who wanted in on the deal; someone else asked if he delivered.  Thus was born Guerrilla Organics – a small organic produce delivery business that still operates guerrilla-style… but now in Oakland, Berkeley, SF, Daly City, & Pacifica

The cool thing for me, personally, is that Mark invented and patented the most amazing musical instrument, called a Bazantar.  He plays mesmerizing, heady, transformative music that can deliver you into a new consciousness.  And Martha shares her passions in a unique and fascinating art form — Butoh dancing.  So they support their performing arts habits by slinging local, organic produce.  They are SUPER consistent in their organic produce delivery and they are particularly enlightened and spiritually developed people… made it a very easy decision for me to switch to them from my previous “Box” delivery service.  I think participating with arts and cultural events is an important Longevity Practice.  It can re-connect us with all of humanity, and also with our Purpose.  And gives us a vehicle to bond more deeply with our loved ones and friends.

Can you imagine how cool I felt when I realized that my organic produce delivery purchases would create proceeds that help 2 cutting edge community artists practice their crafts in the arts?  AND that staying with their services meant that I get an “organic” way to continue developing my own connection with that kind of people?