
Longevity Hot Spots Diets Cross-Referenced with Akea Ingredients


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What’s the difference between “FERMENTED” foods, and “man-made, processed” foods?

T. Bergenn
Longevity Advisor; Director and Independent Consultant at AKEA

Everyone knows Fermented Foods are all the rage: Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and uhhh… wine & cheese, right?

Enter: people who think that we should eat foods totally “un-processed”, and they think fermentation is something new-fangled and man-made. So they lump the best health food in with the worst of junk foods!





Bacteria improve the value of already nutrient-dense superfoods. Some watch their foods ferment on their countertops. Others buy foods fermented by bacteria in a vat. Either way, it’s NATURE that ferments things, making them approximately 10 times more nutritious than they were to start — in grand part due to their increased bioavailability once they’ve been “pre-digested” by healthy bacterial strains such as: B. bifidum, B. breve, B. longum, L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. paracasei, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. salvarius, and S. thermophilus.

If, as a longevity advisor, I have been promoting for years the consumption of fermented foods for digestive health (for gut health and healing) — since gut health is responsible for approximately 70% of wellness, immunity, and longevity… and if I am blessed to find that a company exists with MY VALUES, and is producing an easily consumable form of fermented superfoods, based on the same lifestyle knowledge that I’ve discovered in my years of research as a longevity advisor — you better believe I’m going to want to SELL it and EARN a GOOD LIVING doing so.

Q: Can anyone rattle me by calling me a peddler or salesperson?
A: If I was able to happily maintain my dignity while cleaning other people’s toilets for the 20 years I had my house-cleaning business, you can imagine how TREMENDOUSLY honored I feel to be able to provide a truly wide range of personal health benefits to clients I work with now — some who suffer from serious autoimmune illnesses, and others who used to suffer from common issues like joint pain, insomnia, constipation, and skin problems. Want to see a loved one lick their diabetes Type 2? How fast can you dial me? 510-292-9976

Apply the economic philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas — and you will see that we are increasing the value to you of God’s whole foods by combining the world’s top superfoods together, drying them, making them into a powder form, fermenting them, adding minerals, active enzymes, and MORE of the probiotics, and making them accessible and affordable to those who know they want fermented foods (should we call it “Essential Vitamin FF?”) in their daily diet for their longevity lifestyle. If our bodies are accepted as part of the testing and proving ground, I am GLAD to share how improved is my health in various dimensions — reversed asthma, allergies, skin keratoses, insomnia, menopausal symptoms, and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome.

Every week, I hear another client share how they have reversed their diabetes with the use of our whole, organic, fermented superfoods product. Remember, our product contains NO synthetics. Nothing created in a lab. Thank God for BACTERIA! Some of my BEST FRIENDS (with BENEFITS!) are GERMS. lol

Good morning, everyone!

TAKE THAT! Monsanto! Our probiotics and fermented foods help heal up what their GMO’s TEAR UP — we help HEAL THE GUT!



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“Your Emotional Toolkit” for Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

There are many kinds of addictions, BROADLY defined, which include: addiction to cigarettes & smoking, alcohol and drinking, drugs and shooting or popping pills, image
sugar consumption, overworking, gambling, overeating, imagesex, obsessive-compulsive behaviors like cutting, picking, hair-pulling or thumb-sucking, and playing video-games.image

My PREMISE for this talk is that underlying each and every one of these ADDICTIONS… is a set of UNRESOLVED EMOTIONS.

Emotions are OBJECTIVE, and physiologically manifested in the body. They often correspond to THOUGHTS, which can be true or false, but in and of themselves, EMOTIONS are TRUE and OBJECTIVE.

And such FEELINGS are PHYSICAL CLUES to us that we need to DO SOMETHING. Like fight, or flee, or resolve a conflict.
Okay, if you feel “happy”, you might not need to actually “DO” something, but when you feel the troublesome or difficult emotions, “negative” emotions, THESE are CUES that you need to do something.

But often in life, it is not possible or appropriate to just DO that something that our emotions are cueing us to do — like fight, or run away — and we might not know HOW to resolve a particular conflict. When it is not simple or possible to resolve the emotion adequately, through an appropriate behavior, we often unconsciously implement a SUBSTITUTE behavior, which may DIFFUSE THE FEELING of that emotion temporarily, but does not necessarily RESOLVE the emotion. If you are hungry, and you have no food, and someone is eating in front of you and does not want to share, you can’t just grab their food. So you substitute something to deal with the PAIN of this feeling, of this frustration. Over time, or even after one such substitute action, we may develop a substitute BEHAVIOR PATTERN. THIS is the BASIS for ADDICTION.

I’m going to tell you some of the SPECIFIC EMOTIONS, the OBJECTIVE FEELINGS, which often underly PATTERNS OF ADDICTION.

I’m going to teach you when and how to process these particular emotions in order to break the cycle of addiction. This tool does not BATTLE your addiction directly. It’s NOT about willpower, or “white knuckling” and trying to be “stronger than” your addiction. These methods don’t work well, as you probably know if you’ve battled addiction unsuccessfully for any length of time. Mine is simply a POSITIVE TOOL to ADD TO YOUR LIFE. Once you know how to use this tool, and USE IT REGULARLY, the DESIRE for your addictive substance or pattern SIMPLY SUBSIDES.


1) Let me give you the ACRONYM for this, the FIRST TOOL for YOUR NEW, EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT — and that way you will ALWAYS REMEMBER IT!

“Halt! You f’in’ SOB!” Now, this acronym is a mnemonic technique, and I’m not promoting swearing, but this is a key part of this toolkit. It stands for:

Sad or

Add “Ashamed” to the toolkit list, and you will be even better equipped!

WITHOUT judging or criticizing your SELF, and without judging or criticizing the EMOTIONS, I want you to NOTICE.

2) To “NOTICE or NOTE” is the 2nd Tool in your EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT. When you feel inclined to _______________ (fill in your addiction), (like smoke, shoot drugs, eat gluten if you’re celiac, have sex with a stranger) take a moment to NOTICE it. And say (out loud works best) — “HALT! You F’in SOB!” Now, I’m not telling you to call yourself names — this is simply a mnemonic technique. And it is intended to interrupt a pattern.

3) 3rd Tool: Use your ACRONYM, and Ask yourself, “Am I hungry? Am I Angry? Lonely? Tired? Fearful? Sad? or Bored?” “WHAT DO I FEEL?”

And answer yourself, OUT LOUD.


Emotions — FEELINGS — are by nature TRANSITORY. They come. And they go. The page turns. Once you IDENTIFY the emotion — give it a name, say it out loud, it is being attended to. Sit with it for a moment — literally like 10 seconds to 1 minute or so. Just reflect on the name of the emotion, and the feeling in your body. You can say, “I am feeling scared. Nothing more. Nothing less.” Or “I’m feeling lonely. It doesn’t feel good. I feel lonely.” Or “I’m feeling hungry, and shaky. I’m not dying, but I’m really hungry.” You are now on your way to properly processing that emotion. The page does turn.

TO a transitory, appropriately-minimal-sized experience in your body (one of many) during your day, which YOU as an adult, as a full human being, SIMPLY NOTICE AND PROCESS. YOU are the director now. Emotions are transitory! That’s the Good NEWS! They are just paragraphs, or sentences even, in each larger chapter of your life’s book, which YOU write.

When we are no longer slaves to our EMOTIONS, we are no longer slaves to ADDICTIONS.

To find out more about the EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT to resolve ADDICTIONS, or how this fits with the Longevity Hot Spot Lifestyle, please sign up for the RSS feed for my blog:, or comment here. Or write to me on And I’ll be sure to send you any upcoming reports.

“Your Emotional Toolkit: Breaking the Cycle of Addiction” Jump to the second hour for a 60 minute RECORDED, LIVE PRESENTATION & INTERVIEW of T. Bergenn by Wolf Spirit Radio Host Luella May:

You can also schedule a consultation or series of consultations with me.

To deal with food addictions, I invite you to investigate and try the AkeaBLAST! for nutritional support that can make your cravings subside by meeting your micronutrient needs.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to share one of the most powerful tools I know to help your overall wellbeing — Your EMOTIONAL TOOLKIT!!!!

Please “Like” Power Source Unlimited on Facebook!

“HUMANO” film asks, “What is it to be human?”


Available November 17, 2013 Exclusively On Yekra and DVD


Alan is twenty-five years old and is searching for the reasons for his existence – the meaning of life. A camera and a notebook filled with questions are all he needs in order to begin his journey to the Andes and into the deepest corners of the subconscious. Through the eyes of Plácido, an Andean paqo(“priest”), the existence of an invisible world that coexists daily with the visible world will be unveiled before him. Alan seeks to discover the origins of humanity on earth, but in order for him to do this it is first necessary for him to learn to be human. Rituals, initiations and new challenges will unfoldbefore him as the “keys” to unlocking and broadening his consciousness.

Accompanied by Plácido, he will be taken on an introspective journey. Such a journey has never been documented before.



Twitter: @humanofilm



Press kit:


I watched this movie with my fiancé Edgar, and will share a few thoughts. In Spanish, with English subtitles, the protagonist speaks Spanish beautifully! The art & form of the movie is quite lovely… and evocative. You may resonate with the psychic journey because of how the visuals evoke familiarity with your own search for meaning.

Journeying to Peru in the search for meaning… for ME is a non-sequiter… I don’t see why, and the movie does not explain why… such an existential quest would or should take one to Peru, although I imagine it’s as good a place as any to seek out the meaning of our lives.

A Shaman escorts the young protagonist, asking provocative philosophical questions, along a journey of experiential practice interspersed with guiding nuggets of wisdom. “Humano” is an “artist’s film”… an “anthropologist’s film”… a “culturalist’s film”. Not to be watched for excitement or sheer entertainment, but rather it provides a foil for one’s own ponderings of existential questions — the meaning of life, the role of fear, how to discern and make sense of myth and reality, our connection with the earth, forgiveness, universal dreams, ascension, creation, dualism, etc.

Setting out as slowly as the film does, we were both moved to a spiritual readiness platform of discomfort. And the subtitles often require struggle to see.

The ancient Peruvian cultural wisdoms weave and inform the entire journey. “Fear only exists as much as you need it. Fear doesn’t let us see the beauty in things. It doesn’t let us see the Reality.” “Icaro” — a song sung without words. “People built this place with a purpose in mind.” We are called to engage with our universal connection to our ancestors, and to the earth. “All exists to be learned from, not judged, not rejected.”

Since I promote a wellness program based on the wisdom of the ancients, it is fascinating just how people of all places in the world instinctively look to our ancestors for spiritual and practical guidance. Some cultures are particularly long-lived, healthy, and happy, and these are the cultures whose wisdom and lifestyles I most like to embrace and promote.

As a catholic Christian, I definitely had some uncomfortable experiences with the film, witnessing how people dabble with the occult with nary a caution. Yes, we are dust, and unto dust we shall return. But not only are we “matter” — we MATTER. And I could not relate deeply with this film because I experience being “human” so entirely differently than the two protagonists of the film experience being “human”.

As a longevity advisor, I found the entire “almost anti-social” approach disturbing, because while the title is “Humano”, there is a profound disconnection from “PEOPLE” in this young man’s journey for the meaning of being “human”. He listens to one isolated shaman’s philosophical and esoteric perspectives and engages with only this shaman’s exercises, as he interacts mainly with non-human nature, like rocks and water. Nature is truly marvelous, but disconnection from humans goes against MY sensibilities of what it is to be human, which necessarily implies being born of woman, and into SOCIETY. We all need Nutrition, Movement, Relaxation, Connection, and Purpose. This film deals with Purpose, but I find it bereft of all human Connection except with the ancestors’ nuggets of wisdom and stories. The only mention of woman that I recall is an exercise of experiencing a cave as if it were a mother’s womb.

The protagonist is an intellectual, largely residing in his head, and I believe part of the great value of his journey is how he more “comes into his body”… in the beautiful mountains, cold lakes, weighted trekking, etc.

I think particularly some young men who resemble our protagonist… are ever seeking… and see themselves as ALONE in a vast wilderness, rather than learning and listening to and responding to the valuable and complex individuals who are woven in a complex and interdependent community all around them. I think this viewpoint is consistent with a pervasive DEPRESSION in our modern society. Isolation. Lack of affect. Clinical Depression.

In enormously densely populated NEW YORK CITY, I’ve heard that 50% of the population eat dinner ALONE.

Like “water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink…” we have people, people everywhere, but not knowing how to Connect. At least not in a fulfilling and meaningful way.

The film ends with describing our body as the most evolved form of matter… with serious cautionary implications for what will happen to this evolutionary chain if the earth is irreparably harmed.

For those who want to experience a sacred journey, and/or learn about Saqras and Apus in a South American setting, this movie will add artistic depth and interesting sights and sounds to the journey and lessons.

A prayer for healing of Depression is what this movie evokes for me. A deep love for my young artist brothers and sisters who battle feelings and experiences of VOID and NULL… who want to FEEL, to experience PLEASURE, HAPPINESS, and CONNECTION. I appreciate their efforts and their artistic pieces which elucidate people’s internal struggles.

At the risk of over-simplification, I feel called to say that I believe much chemical-imbalance can be resolved with nutrition in a social context — seriously, I’ve watched it work so quickly, and I feel this is a very common imbalance in the modern world. THIS FILM SHINES A BRIGHT LIGHT ON OUR HUMAN NEED FOR COMMUNITY. In the absence of community, one yearns for and can better appreciate community. Humans. God made us — not just you, not just me… but US. We need to break bread together. Share. Delight. Experience art — music, literature, movies, dance, comedy, philosophy. So if you go see “HUMANO”, go with a friend, and chat about it over dinner afterward.

Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep

Napping, Relaxation, and Sleep


Some say a daytime nap can disturb overnight sleep, and for some folks, it most certainly does.

But there is another school of thought:
Practice Makes Perfect, and…
Sleep Begets Sleep.

I find that “practicing relaxing and allowing sleep…” by incorporating relatively short naps when you are fatigued and/or drowsy… can improve one’s ability to relax and sleep effectively overnight.

When all systems are go, physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, etc., usually fewer naps are desired or needed.
But the body has great wisdom, and can indicate its needs before we have a conscious clue of which systems and organs may be running at less than optimal function level.
If we simply listen to, follow and honor the signals of the body, we can often avert more serious problems.
We don’t really NEED to know WHY we are tired… just THAT we are tired.

Sometimes this is an issue of relinquishing control. Relinquishing control in some areas of our lives can be infinitely beneficial. This is related to grasping the importance of community, and inter-dependence. We don’t need to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders… nor in our minds.

Every animal has a circadian rhythm. God made both night and day. Every human being needs deep, restorative sleep, and also rest. If you experience stress while trying to fall asleep, or in the middle of the night, you may wish to talk softly to yourself about why and how to “relax and allow sleep”. There is also a great book: The Sleep Book, by Dr. Seuss, that can help children and adults grasp and put into practice the importance of sleep. TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT!!

Connection as an Anti-Depressant

Mina and Me, on a walk in the Berkeley HillsI want to share something: I LOVE walking… pretty much any time, any where. In the U.S., people spend a lot of time alone. And I used to spend a fair amount of time walking alone, even though I generally prefer to be accompanied. One time, I took a trip to Mexico to spend time with my (now ex) husband’s family. There, and in many other countries and cultures, most people spend very little time alone. I found this a little odd, but rather pleasant, as I’ve always been gregarious and I appreciate company. If I walked to pick up fresh veggies at the corner market, one of the relatives would walk with me. If I had to do any other errand, someone would offer to accompany me. And I always said yes. I got used to this and enjoyed the walks quite a bit.

Upon my return to the U.S., I resumed my walks, and the first time I was walking alone, I observed something profound. My mind happened to take a little unhealthy detour — something related to worry and seeing things from a negative and somewhat twisted perspective. I caught it, and noticed it. I thought, “That’s funny; I haven’t had that kind of thought lately. I wonder why not, and I wonder what elicited that just now.” I followed the train of thought back, and knew that this kind of thought had not been a completely uncommon occurrence for me… particularly while walking, so I wondered why it seemed unfamiliar to me all of the sudden. And it came to me: I realized I had not been ALONE for a while. I had not been walking ALONE for quite a while.

As a Spanish Medical Interpreter, I had interpreted for several psych appointments for depressed and other mentally ill patients. And I began to reflect on the CULTURAL differences between depression and other mental illnesses and treatment for such HERE in the U.S., and in Mexico. And I learned at a deeper level one of the most important Principles of healthy, happy, longevity: Connection. When you are WITH people a LOT, you may feel a little imposed upon, (oh darn!) but there are built-in checks and balances when you start to think and say things that are not true and objective, like negative thoughts and perspectives that don’t take into account the positive aspects of a scenario or the ability to resolve difficult dilemmas by obtaining community/family support and not being left solely to one’s own devices (which are sometimes woefully inadequate). “Your problem” becomes/is “our problem”. “Let me make you a good meal and that will help you feel better.” See, a lot of times people get into a negative spiral here in the U.S. because they get a little out of sorts and then they don’t have the energy or focus to do good “self-care”, so they get worse because they have inadequate nutrition or they stay up too late, don’t shower or get dressed or get out, etc. Each of those things happens because they are not fully integrated in a community. The brain then functions worse and worse. If there are people around, they can and do help reverse a spiral, or elevate a person enough to keep them from plummeting.

If YOU see what I’m saying here, and have your own experiences which corroborate this concept of the importance of “Connection” to mental health (which plays out statistically), then please join me at It is my mission (Purpose) to help bring the wholesome lifestyle of the world’s Longevity Hot Spots to the United States. I could use your help. The BluePrint for Life includes: Nutrition, Movement, Relaxation, Connection & Purpose. Thank you!!!

Inflammation Reduction Complete Protocol

Here are practical ways to reduce inflammation in the body (skin, brain, joints, etc… it’s all attached). Inflammation is not always bad. It’s a vital process. But CHRONIC inflammation is harmful, and that’s the one to combat.
Inflammation is the painful component of arthritis (symptoms include pain, swelling, red coloration to the area, and sometimes loss of movement or function), and may be a component of cardiovascular diseases. Can the foods you eat help reduce inflammation? Many experts believe it’s possible, so I’ll explain which foods are highly anti-inflammatory, and which foods exacerbate inflammation.
Online articles to reference:

First: Drink at least 12-16oz of pure water every morning upon arising, 20 minutes prior to consuming anything else. Many people of the world’s long-living cultures add the juice of 1/2 a fresh, organic lemon.

Single supplements:

For acute inflammation (chest cold, sinuses, sprained ankle, poison oak, etc), sip water with Vitamin C powder added throughout the day (to bowel tolerance, as it will loosen the bowels). Now that much of Vitamin C comes from GMO sources, it is recommended to find a GMO-free source. You may include willow bark on your list of natural anti-inflammatory agents (the basis of aspirin). Personally, I occasionally have used bromelain (pineapple enzymes from the core) and turmeric. I keep both on hand. Bromelain works for headaches, but so does a simple acupressure move. Do not use bromelain long-term (daily for longer than a week at a time).

The articles cited above list foods that cause or aggravate inflammation, and list foods which have an anti-inflammatory effect. If the full-tilt-boogie anti-inflammatory diet seems like too extreme a change for you, then I recommend that you simply pick 3 of the foods to emphasize and 3 of the foods to avoid, and just try those few, simple changes at first, but do it whole-heartedly.

For example, I always think of blueberries, filberts (hazelnuts), and pineapple (on an empty stomach) when I want to reduce inflammation. And salads, in general. And I think of sugary, fried, and processed foods as causing inflammation. With just those few things in mind, it makes a pretty big difference to simply add 3 and avoid 3.


Akea Essentials is the most micro-nutrient dense of the anti-inflammatory foods. It is highly alkalinizing: Click here to see the ingredient list: I use it every day, as it has helped me with chronic inflammation of the skin, joints, lungs, etc. Akea Essentials has over 30 of the world’s most powerful superfoods (nutrient-dense foods), all grown organically in the U.S. and fermented, meaning plenty of additional super-healthy probiotics, which can help squelch the fires of inflammation in the gut. It contains only 44 calories per serving, and 2 grams of protein.
The vast majority of chronic illnesses begin with inflammation in the gut, so Akea Essentials is the best preventative and restorative I know for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Click here to order.
So far, Asantae makes Akea, and only ships to the U.S. and Canada, so if you don’t live in the U.S., try the international shipping option on the Affiliates page of Or the next option.

Salad made with anti-inflammatory foods: Put some variety in it, for sure, but a DAILY SALAD is the single most effective lifestyle change available internationally to make a huge difference in decreasing inflammation.
Add some sauerkraut, or kim chee or organic yogurt daily to your diet to get your fermented foods. THIS is one amazing secret of the world’s happiest, healthiest, longest living people. And guess what — most of them don’t have much access to (or need for!) doctors and pharmaceuticals. Hmmm….

Mila is the most macro-nutrient dense of all anti-inflammatory foods, and I still have some available in stock. If you want a little extra plant-based protein (3 grams per serving) & Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (3,000 mg) & 5 grams of fiber, this is a very good product. Message me directly for purchase: This food must be consumed with a lot of water, so if you hate drinking water, do not use this product. It is also a little pricey, but it does a lot for you. It can even work for pets’ inflammation! If you want a 1/2 price type of organically-grown chia seed, I sell that, too! Just message me.

Foods To Eat:

Fats and Oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water oily fish, chia, flax (flax has some toxins and is often GMO, so I don’t recommend it), and pumpkin seeds. Consumption of monounsaturated fats found in olive oil, avocado, and nuts, has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Other healthful oils include rice bran oil, grape seed oil, and walnut oil.

Fruits and Vegetables. Whole fruits, berries and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and phytohemicals. Choose green and brightly colored vegetables, and whole fruits. You should eat at least five (and preferably more) servings of fruits and vegetables each day. (Akea Essentials provides 5 additional to your daily dietary intake.)

Protein Sources. Possible anti-inflammatory protein sources include lean poultry (turkey best), fish and seafood (fatty fish offer protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids). Fermented soy foods such as miso and tempeh, along with other legumes and nuts and seeds can be used as plant-based protein sources.

Beverages. Your body needs water. Drink filtered tap water when possible — I use an Aquasana water filter system (and as an affiliate, can get you a reduced price) — but sparkling or bottled water, or unfiltered tap water if need be, is far better than getting dehydrated. Herbal tea, especially green tea, is great. Freshly juiced vegetables & fruits, and organic kefir (if you cannot tolerate organic milk) are other options. Many people find milk inflammatory. Organic milk works fine for me. Please don’t drink any bottled or canned juices or sodas when you are trying to reduce acute inflammation, due to the acidifying effects and sugar content.

Foods To Avoid

Loading up on junk foods, high-fat meats, sugar, and highly processed foods may increase the potential for inflammation in your body. Reduce your consumption of trans fats and saturated fats by cutting back on highly processed foods, red meats, and high-fat processed meats such as bacon and sausage. Cut back on refined white flours in bread and pasta (look for 100% whole-grains instead). Eliminate added sugars by decreasing your consumption of sugary sodas, pastries, candy, rich desserts, and pre-sweetened cereals.
Whenever you DO eat these foods, include light green, juicy veggies like hearts of romaine, celery, or cucumbers, which will alkalinize your body and counter the worst effects of inflammatory foods.

Another possible source of irritation and inflammation comes from the nightshade family of plants, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. These vegetables contain a chemical alkaloid called solanine, which can trigger pain in some people. While there aren’t any formal research findings that back the claim about nightshade plants, some people do believe they get relief from the symptoms of pain and inflammation when they eliminate them from their diet.

Anti-inflammatory Diet Tips

Choose fresh foods more often and choose fewer heavily processed foods. Here are some tips:
For breakfast, try oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts.
Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables instead of cookies and candy.
Eat more fish and less fatty red meat. Eat meat as a treat, or as a condiment, and only organic.
Cook with olive oil for low temperature cooking, and use coconut oil for medium & high temperature cooking.
Choose eggs with Omega 3s.
Have a salad with lots of fresh vegetables as your meal.
Stay away from deep-fried foods; bake, broil, poach or stir-fry instead.
Choose dark green or brightly colored vegetables as side dishes — they should fill half your dinner plate.
Drink water, organic milk, 100% fresh vegetable/fruit juices, herbal and green tea instead of sugary sodas and soft drinks.
Maintaining a healthy weight also appears to be helpful for reducing pain and inflammation.

Movement/Rest — this is an important dialectic to get right. Both are needed. Alternate throughout the day. Don’t overdo either. No obsessive exercise. No couch potato. Get 6-8 quality hours of overnight sleep, on a regular schedule if possible. Meditation & Prayer work. Yoga and/or stretching provide restful movement. Walking is the #1 movement to combat inflammation.

Connection — Stress acidifies. Uplifting, supportive connection lightens the load in more ways than one — it can alkalinize the body.

Purpose — You have to “get out of your self”. Don’t dwell on the pain & inflammation, nor let it define you: Attend to it, and also attend to your life’s work, your important service to the world and its people.

Getting a sense that all this could be impossible alone? You’re right. But you can do it. Join our Longevity Community — there is an online and an offline dimension! Call to schedule a free, 5-10 minute Longevity Community Questionnaire.

T. Bergenn
President, Power Source Unlimited
Longevity Consultant
Connect with us on Facebook!

A “Less Annoying” way to organize ALL your contacts.

Less Annoying CRM

For frustrated entrepreneurs who know a HUGE number of people…

Okay, I WAS going to write this just for entrepreneurs, but after writing the whole thing, I realize I want to share it with EVERYONE.

For entrepreneurs, I just want to share something I have been seeking for YEARS, and finally just found a few days ago. Do you know what a CRM system is? That stands for Customer Relations Management. It’s basically a computerized Rolodex that gives us lots of features to help us keep track of all the customers and prospects we have, and where we’re at with them. It reminds us what they have requested of us, keeps track of our appointments with them, and helps us follow-up and not forget things. There are MANY different systems that do this, and they can run from $0 to around $500 per month. The most expensive systems send automated messages to your contacts, etc., and personally, that is something I hope I never do, no matter how successful I become. Why? Because I find those “personalized” impersonal automated messages really annoying on a social and emotional level… especially the ones that are so well-written that at first I think they are actually personally written to ME!… only to be let down and realize I am a unit, a number, “just” a customer. The cheapest (free) systems don’t allow for much adjustment to suit your own particular business needs… it’s very “cookie-cutter, take it or leave it, one size fits all”.

But in any case, the truth is, I know a LOOOOOOTTTT of people. And I like to keep it personal. And while I like to think I have a good memory, the fact is I can’t keep track of many things that actually do matter to me about each individual I know. My Dad was one of the first people to use a “Palm Pilot” a couple of decades ago, and I discovered, in the most lovely way, how he used TECH to enhance the very personal, caring nature of his relationships. He was always taking a couple of minutes to jot down little notes in this device. I didn’t pay it much mind (“Oh, there goes Dad and his TECHIE stuff.” — insert eye-roll here), but I noticed that he would always remember to ask people things that showed he had listened very closely to their previous conversation, and tried to follow up and help them with their needs and goals.

Many years later (Feb. 2008), when he was on what turned out to be his death bed, my Dad was on life support after a very tragic and dramatic fall. The whole family flew in to pay our last respects and to support one another. We (per my mother and father’s wishes) turned off life support and had a last incredibly meaningful and memorable few moments. We went back to one of the large, cozy rooms this hospital had for family members grieving. The moment came — the announcement that my father had passed, and we were all consoling one another for a good while. We were just barely collecting ourselves emotionally, and suddenly we all heard my Dad’s palm pilot go off. We looked at each other with that, “Oh, dear. Ugh. Powerful sentiment. And what do we do NOW?” kind of look. My sister Mary Pat had brought my Dad’s Palm Pilot for him, and she had planned to re-purpose it. Everyone freaked a little. I asked her to hand it to me, because I would want to see ANYTHING from my Dad at that point.

I opened it up, clicked on the reminder, and up came this one task: “Give Mom Live, Laugh, Love.” I kid you not. So I read it out loud to a stunned room who became an incredibly BLUBBERY room… truly the spitting image of my always-sentimental father. Easy with his happy, loving tears. Walter Bergenn keeps loving and guiding even after his death — that is one COMMITTED DUDE!

Let this be a reminder that while TECH will never replace the human touch, the looking into someone’s eyes and listening; those of us who love “warm, fuzziness”, and “CONNECTION” should really UTILIZE TECH to enhance our ability to serve our highest Purpose. If you really want to help people be happy, healthy, reach their goals, etc… there’s nothing impersonal about being well-organized in how you do it.

That said, here is a link ( to a system I have just chosen to utilize to make my next big leap in organizing my “customer” relations, which is really about organizing to best meet the needs of EVERYONE I know and care about. It’s on the way-inexpensive side, is service-oriented, and the system is pretty intuitive. Plus it allowed me to upload our Longevity Community Questionnaire! How cool is that?

Thanks for reading! Delight in your business, and share the Joy!

T. Bergenn

Longevity Consultant

SHROOMS: (macro- and micro-) Biology & Ecology

Reishi Mushrooms Edgar and I were at a party tonight, where we met several entrepreneurs. A couple of them were super laid-back people with whom we have something deeply in common: The prized REISHI mushroom. Anyone who has taken our Longevity Community Questionnaire knows that of ALL of the organic superfood ingredients in our product, each one in its own right, are AMAZING for our health. But there is ONE ingredient we specifically highlight: The Reishi Mushroom. It’s known for boosting the immune system, but my holistic Dr. Marcey Shapiro taught me a dozen years ago that Reishi is known for boosting DEEP immunity, which is different than the effects of echinacea and other immune boosters which are more quick and stimulating. Reishi supports healthy nerve function, and also enhances mood and promotes restful sleep.

Well, tonight I learned from UC Berkeley microbiology graduate Monica Neff that several of her customers are cancer patients using the Reishi mushroom for immune support during chemotherapy. It is significant to me, that like our Akea company’s product, Monica’s company’s products are organic, vegan, gluten-free, grown in the U.S. and kosher. While I was at it, I learned a few other things of interest about fungi that I’ll share, just to whet your appetite for the miracles of mycology: Cordiceps shrooms are known for boosting energy; Turkey Tail shrooms are known for detoxification; and Lion’s mane shrooms are known for memory enhancement.

I had the opportunity to talk with Monica about my secret fascination with a WHOLE SEPARATE quality of mushrooms… their mysterious ability to transform human-invented, chemically toxic, and ecologically devastating waste materials — toxic sludge — into bountiful, healthy eco-systems. To me, it’s a sign of God, and his incredible love, and mercy for humans and our sins and foibles. Even when we think we’ve really done it, we’ve irreparably despoiled our only livable planet, … along come empirical examples of God’s forgiveness and his infinite strength, wisdom and capacity to be a great Father — a rescuer, a provider, in our times of deepest need, when we’ve really screwed up and don’t necessarily “deserve” any better. He gives us another chance. He offers us SHROOMS to show us it’s okay to not know everything.

Monica told me there is a group that has some of my same fascination with the “contamination transformation” that mushrooms provide with “no sweat”. It’s called Bay Area Radical Mycology. Wild. Perhaps I’ll check it out.

For those of you interested in pet health… I haven’t even scratched the surface here, but there are some good signs that the Power Shrooms are helping in cases of Valley Fever, a fungal infection of horses and dogs.

And on that note: Good night. Sleep tight. And get your daily Reishi right!